
Saturday, October 22, 2011

a WIP post

spinspinspin.  fasterfasterfaster.  MOOOOOOOOOM!!!  Seriously?  Mom just wants to spin.
knitknitknit.  fasterfasterfaster.  MOOOOOOOOOM!!!  Seriously?  Mom just wants to knit.

Despite the interruptions, I do get things done... not much, but still something.  This is what I've been up to lately.

Awesome Possum Helix Scarf

This scarf was started in the spring, shortly after I received this yarn from a wonderful Cratster member, all the way from New Zealand.  It's a merino possum blend and it's so nifty.  The reason this is taking so long is because that's a size 2 needle. Seriously, why didn't I ask that awesome craftster to get me some worsted or sport weight instead?  Oh well, it's gorgeous none the less, and I'll pick away at it until I'm happy with the length.


I wanted something quick and instant gratification,  and this is what happened.  Long draw, prepared top,  not much thought in it, more just spinning for the sake of it.  It was fun!  I don't particularly like the colorway,  but I know my likes aren't the same as others, and someone will love this.

DorsetX in progress

And my current wip, is a dorset cross wool that I got to haul away from the shearer on shearing day!  This wool is destined to become a french knot sheep embroidery piece that I will send to the farm in thanks.  It was so gracious that they let me be there.   It's the least I can do.  And I know it'll be hung in their home, as their dinning area is filled with sheep pictures and sheep knick knacks.

Anyway, back to the spinning!


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