
Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I was having troubles with my woollen spinning, specifically from rolags. So, to twitter I go, lamenting the fact that it made no sense that I couldn't spin woollen from rolags, but I could from carded slivers. In swoops Michelle Boyd, aka @spindleprincess, to the rescue. She suggested my rolags were to tight, and that I ought to shake them, to fluff them up. It worked! Look at these amazing results! The first pic is before the amazing Michelle saved me, the second is after .
Thank you Michelle!! I will never forget now that woollen spinning requires a soft touch, beginning to end.



  1. I love spinning from rolags! I should do it more. It looks so good, once you did it right!

  2. That sounded really bad. I meant it looks so nice and even when you do it from fluffy rolags, but I would still love to work with that lumpy stuff. *Eep!* I hope I didn't offend.

    1. I fully understood what you meant! Lumpy bumpy is fun, for sure, but when you are striving for even and smooth, it's entirely to frustrating! I'm sure they will both be beautiful to work up. :)


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