
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just keep knitting

I'm currently working on a Blanket for seriously cold people for my sister. There will be 5 colors in total. It's taking forever and a day. So my mantra right now is just keep knitting. Maybe it'll be done by Christmas. Or maybe even sooner. I can hope anyway. Each row is taking 10+ minutes. So my conclusion is that blankets take to long!



  1. I know that feeling! The blues are very pretty. Hope the blanket is finished soon...

    1. oh boy. That does look blue, doesn't it? this was my first blog on the go experience, and apparently the color of the photo didn't come through for me... The yarn's actually grey. the other 2 colors are purple :)

  2. I feel cozy just thinking about it. What a lucky sister you have.

    1. She might be spoiled. LOL! It's a very warm blanket indeed. I'm almost tempted to keep it! ;)


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